Essential Information at a Glance

Find out more about the company Kaupert, our solutions for molding and packaging of chocolate and our chocolate designs. Please take a detailed look. Make use of our catalogue “Designing” as an inspiration for your own ideas. Our Washing Recommendations will inform you how to professionally clean your chocolate moulds made of polycarbonate and hence prolonging their lives and good service.

Brochures & Catalogs

Catalogue Designing

Be inspired and develop your own ideas.

Company Brochure

From idea to ready product, we are at your side - all the way.


Automated separation of packaging trays – use our Know-How.


Together with us, develop custom-fit packaging trays for your product.

Mould Changer

The clever and cost-effective solutions for the Spinning Hollow Chocolate figurines.

Washing Instructions

Prolong the life and service of your chocolate moulds by following these tips for professional mould cleaning.

Certificates & Documents

Certified Hygiene Management

An efficient Hygiene Management is indispensable during the production of primary packaging for foods at our Marburg Plant.

Certified Energy Management

In 2020 our Marburg Operation has been ISO 50001 certified. This saves resources and makes a significant contribution to environmental and climate protection.

General conditions Erndtebrück

General conditions Marburg

Your experienced Partners for your first-class Products
Contact us!

As your partner, we will support you in your ambition for economic production, efficient packaging and attractive presentation.